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Related Links: Overview

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HelpSmith allows you to generate various lists of links, which can be inserted into a topic, or into a common template which applies to topics during the compilation process.


The set of Related Links can include entries of different types, which allows you to generate a list of links by using different options:

A fixed list of regular hyperlinks to topics or web pages.

Topics or external links contained in a specific TOC item.

Topics associated with a list of Keywords, or A-Keywords.


For example, you can use the Related Links feature to add a "See Also" section at the end of associated topics, to create a navigation menu through the topics of a particular chapter, and so on.


Related Links Placeholder

The Related Links placeholder defines the place in a topic, or in a template, where you want to insert a list of associated links. For a Related Links placeholder, you can specify the link set source, and also the style and behavior of the links block that will be generated in compiled documentation.


To insert a Related Links placeholder:

1.In the Project Manager pane, select the topic or template that you need.

2.In the word processor, put the cursor where you want to insert a list of links.

3.On the Insert tab, in the Placeholders group, click Related Links.

4.In the dialog, specify the link set source and other settings according to your needs.

5.Click OK.


For more details, you can visit this topic.


Defining Related Links for Topics

You can define a link set that can be applied to one or multiple topics:

1.In the Project Manager pane, select the topics that you need.
Remark: To select multiple topics, you can click on the topics while holding down the Ctrl key.

2.In the Related Links pane (which you can access by clicking: View tab|Related Links), in the toolbar, use the appropriate buttons to add a new entry, delete an existing entry, etc.


For more details, you can visit this topic.


Defining Related Links for a Placeholder

You can define a link set not only for topics, but also for a Related Links placeholder itself, which can be useful if you need to generate a list of links (for example, a navigation menu) in a single topic only.

1.In the word processor, double-click on the Related Links placeholder whose properties you want to edit.

2.In the dialog, on the Links Source tab, specify that the placeholder will have its own link set.

3.Click the Edit Links button to edit the link set that belongs to the given placeholder.

4.Click OK.


For more details, you can visit this topic.


Customization of a Related Links Block

You can customize the style and behavior of a related links block:

1.In the word processor, double-click on the Related Links placeholder whose properties you want to edit.

2.In the dialog, specify the style and behavior settings according to your needs.

3.Click OK.


For more details, you can visit this topic.


Related Links

Defining Related Links for Topics

Related Links Placeholder

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