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Edit Related Links Placeholder Settings

1.In the word processor, double-click on the Related Links placeholder.

2.In the dialog, specify the settings according to your needs.

3.Click OK.



On the Hyperlinks tab, you can customize style and behavior settings of the hyperlinks in the generated block of links.


Regular hyperlink style

Allows you to select a text style for the hyperlinks in the normal state.


Active hyperlink style

Allows you to select a text style for the active hyperlink, i.e. when the mouse cursor hovers a link.


Paragraph style

Allows you to select a style for the paragraphs containing the hyperlinks in the generated link list.


List style

Allows you to select a list style for the paragraphs containing the hyperlinks in the generated link list.


Text style

Allows you to select a text style for text elements which do not have a clickable hyperlink.


Hyperlinks to current topic

Specifies how to process the hyperlink to the current topic in the generated list of links:

Allow Hyperlinks - hyperlink to the current topic will stay intact.

Exclude Hyperlinks - hyperlink to the current topic will be automatically excluded.

Display as Text - hyperlink to the current topic will be displayed as regular text. In this case, you can also select a text style that can be used to highlight the title of the currently viewed topic.


Exclude duplicate hyperlinks

If selected, duplicate hyperlinks (e.g. links to the same topic) will be automatically excluded from the generated list of links.


Sort hyperlinks by title

If selected, the links in the generated list will be automatically sorted by their title.


Item offset

Specifies the offset to add to sub-items in the generated list of links. The list of links can contain entries of the "Child Items" type which can include sub-items depending on their settings.


Target frame for URL links

If this option is selected, it will overwrite the individual "Target Frame" setting of the hyperlinks to external web pages, in the generated list of links.



Applies the current settings and closes the dialog window.



Discards the changes to the settings and closes the dialog window.



Related Links

Related Links: Overview

Defining Related Links for Topics

Related Links Placeholder

Customization Settings

Links Source


Horizontal Line

No Links

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