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Table Borders

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This topic describes important aspects of using different borders in a table, and in table rows and cells.


When a table has the Border Collapse option turned off, the table itself and its cells have separate borders. While this mode is used, rows borders are ignored.


When a table has the Border Collapse option turned on, table, rows, and cells borders are used together. However, while the Border Collapse mode is enabled, cell borders interact with table and rows borders and, thus, the HelpSmith's word processor as well as an HTML viewer has to determine which border should be actually displayed.


The common conditions used to determine which border dominates over the other common borders are the following:

A border with the Hidden style always dominates over the other common borders.

The None border style has the lowest priority in comparison with other border styles.

If the width value of one border is larger than the width value of another border, the first border will be used.

If the width values of two borders are the same, the dominating border is determined by the border style priorities. The list of the border styles from the highest to the lowest priority is as follows: Hidden, Double, Solid, Dashed, Dotted, Ridge, Outset, Groove, Inset, None.


Note: The model used for resolving conflicts between common borders is based on the CSS2 specification and is used in most modern web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome.


Related Links

Working with Tables

Table Properties

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