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Web Help: URL Parameters

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1.On the Project tab, in the Project group, click Project Options.

2.In the Project Options dialog, in the left sidebar, under Web Help, click URL Parameters.

3.Change the parameters that you need.

4.Click OK.


Process the Context/ID parameters by the Index Page

Enables the possibility to create links to specific topics in a Web Help system by using the topic's numeric Context value, or textual ID value.


Please note that to comply with SEO requirements, it is recommended to create links to topics by using links to the topic files only. Otherwise, if you use different kinds of links to the same topic, it can be considered by search engines as duplicate content.


Remark: For backward compatibility, this option is enabled in existing help projects created with previous HelpSmith versions (prior to version 10.0). However, in a newly created help project, this option is disabled by default.


If the topic does not exist, open

Allows you to define the page that will be displayed if a non-existing Context or ID value is passed to the Web Help system.


In this case, the Web Help system can display the default topic, the not-found page, or an external webpage.


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