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Adding Disqus Comments

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HelpSmith allows you to add Disqus commenting tool to your Web Help system.


Insert Disqus Comments

1.In the word processor, put the text cursor to the place where you want to insert the comments placeholder.

2.On the Insert tab, in the Placeholders group, click Social Comments.

3.In the Comments dialog, in the Comments Type box, select Disqus.

4.Specify the URL of your Web Help system, and the short name of your Disqus site as defined in your account on

5.Click OK.


Remark: To provide comments for all or for a series of help topics, it is recommended to insert the comments placeholder into a common topic template.



Please note that Disqus comments work only in a Web Help system which is located and accessed from a web server.


Disqus Comments Settings

Comments Type

The comments type that you want to insert.


Web Help URL

Specifies the URL location of the Web Help system on a web server.


Short Name

Specifies the "short name" of your site as defined in your account on



Inserts the Disqus comments placeholder into the topic or template.



Discards the changes to the settings and closes the dialog window.



Disqus Documentation

You can find more information on the Disqus commenting widget in the official documentation.

Adding Disqus Comments to a Website


Related Links

Adding Facebook Comments

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