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1.On the File tab, click Options.

2.In the dialog, in the left sidebar, under General, click Compilers.

3.Change the parameters you want.

4.Click OK.


Below is a description of the parameters in this section.


HTML Help Compiler

Defines the full path to the executable file of the HTML Help compiler (HHC.exe) which is used with HelpSmith to compile HTML Help (CHM) files. For example, "c:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe".


You can click Browse to find and select the HTML Help compiler on your hard disk.


Or, you can click Search to automatically search your computer for the HTML Help compiler.


If you do not have MS HTML Help Workshop package (which includes the HHC.exe compiler) on your computer, click Download HTML Help compiler to visit the webpage where you can download it.


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