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Conditional Compilation /

Including/Excluding Help Topics

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Define Build Options for a Help Topic, or Table of Contents Item

1.In the Project Manager pane, click the topic or TOC item whose build options you want to edit.

2.On the Project tab, in the Topics & Templates group, click Properties.

3.In the dialog, click Build Options, and then define the conditions for the selected item.

4.Click OK.


Note: You can select multiple items and set build options for all of them. To select more than one item in the Project Manager, click the items you want while holding down the Ctrl key.


Default Build Options of TOC Items

Build Options of a help topic or TOC item allow you to define when this item should be included or excluded to/from a compilation.

By default, a topic or TOC item has the All Builds condition selected in its build options, so it is included into all compilations with any build tags.


Keywords and AKeywords

When a topic is excluded from a compilation, all the Keywords and A-Keywords which are associated with that topic are automatically excluded. A Keyword and A-Keyword is included into the output help system only if it has at least one associated topic which is also included into the compilation.


Dead Hyperlinks

When you exclude a topic from a compilation, the hyperlinks that link to that topic from other topics become invalid. You can specify a "Dead Links" processing mode or use other techniques to prevent such invalid hyperlinks in a compiled help system. For more information, please refer to this topic.


Related Links

Conditional Compilation: Overview

Editing Build Tags

Defining Conditions

Conditional Text

Conditions in HTML Code

Compiling Help Project with Build Tags

Processing Dead Links

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